How to wear the Hermes Birkin in orange

The Hermes Birkin in Orange & Denim Shirt with Black Top and White Shorts

The roughness of the denim shirt complements the smooth blacktop creating balance in the outfit. The white shorts add a refreshing look with a touch of femininity and elegance. The orange tote complements the blue denim in terms of hue. It also adds a lavish look to this breezy outfit thanks to its awesome features.

The Hermes Birkin in Orange & Fur Coat with Dark Gray T-Shirt and Jeans Trouser

This youthful style uses subtle colors for a calm and relaxing effect. The dull fur coat gives off a polished and refined look while the faded blue tight jeans add toughness and a girly look to the outfit. The dark gray t-shirt underneath emanates neutrality and moderates the intense orange tote. The sneakers are a perfect match for this casual style. Finally, the lavish Hermes Birkin acts as a center of interest due to its flashy color and flamboyant elements.

The Hermes Birkin in Orange & Black Lightweight Wrap Cardigan with a Gray Dress

This achromatic color scheme begins with a long black lightweight wrap cardigan. It adds sophistication and neutrality to an outfit. The same effect is achieved with the long boots which also add femininity and taste to the style. The gray dress blends well with the black garments as they are all neutrals. Finishing this look with the orange Hermes Birkin brightens up this dull outfit with its alluring beauty and vibrant color.