How to wear the Hermes Birkin in orange

The orange Hermes Birkin bag is the ultimate luxury bag. Though the color may be loud, it can be toned down by subtle colors or neutrals to create an eye-catching palette. Here are tips for how to manipulate colors to get that elegant chic outfit with the Hermes Birkin in orange.

The Hermes Birkin in Orange & Cream Top with Jeans Trouser

A trench coat is arguably one of the effortless pieces that make you fashionable without trying too hard. A brown one at that, adds warmth and a feeling of comfort as seen in this outfit. The cream top beneath has a calming and relaxing effect. Its hue value allows it to blend well with the brown trench coat. Also, the neutrality and versatility of cream allow it to be mixed with the faded blue jeans for an eye-catching color palette. The orange Hermes Birkin bag dignifies the outfit glamour and modernity. Lastly, the black ankle boots add a touch of aggressiveness and sophistication to the outfit.

The Hermes Birkin in Orange & Striped Blouse with Pale Peach Shorts

Pairing off-white shorts with a striped blouse is always a great idea for afternoon shopping or an off-duty outfit. The striped blouse relays boldness and gives an illusion of height. On the other hand, the pale peach short and the sneakers add a touch of femininity and innocence.  The dark glasses and jewelry serve as a fashion accessory just as the luxurious Hermes Birkin is only that the latter adds a luxurious touch to the outfit. It also creates visual interest with its intense color.

The Hermes Berkin in Orange & Deep Green Blazer with White Top and Blue Jeans

The outfit begins with a deep green blazer with blue jeans and orange Hermes Birkin. Blue jeans complement the orange tote for a vivid and energizing effect. The blue jeans add a touch of toughness to the outfit while the white top tones down and moderate the intensity of the hues thus creating harmony. This allows the eye to flow effortlessly from one element to the other. Also, the flashy hardware of the Hermes Birkin blends well with the embroidered buttons calling for balance.