How to wear the Hermes Birkin in orange

The Hermes Birkin in Orange & Lace Top with Straight Jeans and Stilettos.

This sassy look is achieved by mixing varying textures. The lace top adds a girly touch with its outline. Pairing the lace top with the rough denim trouser creates balance to the outfit since the lace is made from a soft fabric. The shiny light peach stilettos rhyme with the lacy top making the outfit flow effortlessly from one element to the other. The luxurious tote creates emphasis as all attention would be drawn to it due to its vibrant color and flamboyant features.

The Hermes Birkin in Orange & Brown Turtle Top with Light Brown Corduroy Trousers and Brown Boots

This combination is the ideal bohemian chic style. The warm monochromatic scheme starts with the brown turtle neck sweater. This one hangs well on the body enhancing the feminine features.  The light brown corduroy pants add unique taste with its cozy ribbed fabric. It also tones down the loud orange color of the Hermes Birkin bag. The Hermes Birkin in orange gives the simple outfit luxurious touch owing to its build and flashy elements.

The Hermes Birkin in Orange & Pale Beige Overcoat with Silk White Top, Gray Scarf and Black Jeans

This autumn style starts with a pale beige overcoat which has a relaxing and neutral effect. The lustrous white silky blouse underneath drapes well and its natural sheen catches the eyes easily—calling for attention. The gray scarf has both functional and aesthetic purposes. Its dark gray color blends with the black jeans creating balance in the outfit. The same effect is seen with black boots. The orange Hermes Birkin acts as an accent color and livens up this dull palette.